One month in HK — The beginning or the ending of an academic life
One month is not a long time, but he sees and thinks a lot these days here. The newcomer and new graduate is more sensitive than others. For others, everything goes as usual; for him, this is the beginning of a new life. He can’t resist asking himself the same questions that he asked four [...]
My Prayer
最近某同学的博客莫名转载一些文章, 而且人也变得低沉了. 今天从友人的QQ空间里发现了这首歌, 特别被其歌词感染. 希望某同学也能听听, 正所谓 “你现在已经有女朋友了, 你和她只是存在时间的间隔. ” 看过歌词后, 想听的朋友可以上rapidshare下载整张专辑. Dear god I know that she’s out there… The one I’m suppose to share my whole life with And in time… You’ll show her to me Will you take care of her,comfort her,and protect her… Until that day we meet And let her know… My heart…is beating with hers In a dream I hold [...]
Your boss is always right!
When you take a long time to finish, you are slow. When your boss takes a long time, he is thorough. When you don’t do it, you are lazy. When your boss does not do it, he is busy. When you do something without being told, you are out of line. When your boss does the same, he takes the [...]
今天还是在读何炳棣的<读史阅世六十年>. 他谈到当年中英庚款留英考试英文试题的难度时, 特别还附上了第四届考试的原题. 试卷结构很简单, 一共三个部分: 作文, 英译汉, 汉译英. 试题的难度大家可以参考下面的图片, 反正我们就不要拿这试卷来和今天的托福, 雅思, GRE来比就是了, 否则我们会自卑致死的. 何氏书中提到, 学贯中西的钱钟书当年的各科平均分和英文成绩都是历届考生中最好的. 翻翻钱氏的<管锥篇>就会晓得为什么他的成绩会最好. 书中还有何氏那一届所有考取公费留美的学生的名单, 实际上他们中的大部分人已经是西南联合大学的助教和研究生, 都有着丰富的研究经验. 其中就包括交大电气学院教授, 中国铁道电气化的先驱曹建猷院士, 数学家钟开莱, 当然还有那时的杨振宁. 由于知识所限, 其他牛人的事迹我就不太清楚了, 但这三位在各自领域里的威风, 小熊还是或直接或间接的见识过.