1. Transportation Network Analysis by M. Bell
2. Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations by C.F. Daganzo
都是大牛的倾力之作,爱不释手呀 ^_^
Boyce, D. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1999) 'Modeling residential location choice in relation to housing location and road tolls on congested urban highway networks', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 33(8), 581-591.
Boyce, D. E. (1980) 'A Framework for Constructing Network Equilibrium Models of Urban Location', Transportation Science, 14(1), 77-96.
Bravo, M., Briceño, L., Cominetti, R., Cortés, C. E. and Martínez, F. (2010) 'An integrated behavioral model of the land-use and transport systems with network congestion and location externalities', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 44(4), 584-596.
Eliasson, J. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2000) 'A model for integrated analysis of household location and travel choices', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 34(5), 375-394. (这篇文章和我上半年做的模型有潜在的联系,希望能从中学到点什么。)
Kim, T. J. (1983) 'A combined land use-transportation model when zonal travel demand is endogenously determined', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 17(6), 449-462.
Los, M. (1979) 'A discrete-convex programming approach to the simultaneous optimization of land use and transportation', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 13(1), 33-48.
Yim, K. K. W., Wong, S. C., Chen, A., Wong, C. K. and Lam, W. H. K. (2010) 'A reliability-based land use and transportation optimization model', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, In Press, Corrected Proof.
Notes on sensitivity analysis and the combined travel demand model
1 Takashi Akamatsu, “Decomposition of Path Choice Entropy in General Transport Networks,” TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE 31 (4), 349-362 (1997). This paper shows that the conventional entropy function defined by path flows can be decomposed into a function consisting only of link flows. The equivalence of the decomposed formulation of the logit-based traffic assignment is proved by using [...]
Traffic Assignment: SiouxFalls
As part of my senior year thesis, I plan to code some popular traffic assignment algorithms with C . Before I went to Ningbo for the national invitational programming contest, I had implemented Frank-Wolf algorithm. This morning I successfully exported the traffic assignment results to a postscript file, which gives us a visulized output. The above picture [...]